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Attitude Is Everything In Online Marketing


by: Brian Downie

It’s often said that 97% of the people that try their hand at Internet marketing, mlm, or any other home based business opportunity will fail miserably and that only 3% will succeed. Unfortunately for most this statement is all too accurate.

There are any number of good, legitimate, money making business opportunities on the net and although it is not unheard of that some programs fail their members all too often the sad truth is we fail ourselves.

It’s important to research the business you’re planning to join and choose carefully before jumping in with both feet. A good program or business should offer its members quality products, solid training and strong leadership.

Companies that can meet these needs give their members an advantage over competitors that may not have the same level of support.

Unfortunately this alone will not and cannot ensure your success. One key ingredient is still missing. Call it what you will, drive, desire, willingness to succeed, it all comes down to one thing. Attitude. Approaching your new online business with the right attitude is the single most important facture in ensuring your success.

You must have the burning desire to be successful, to strive for the things you desire and to work towards your goals. Mark Twain said, “The dictionary is the only place success comes before work”

Take Dave Dubbs for example. Dave is the top money earner at EDC Gold and is reported as having an income from his online marketing business of $200,000 a month.

Dave knows how to make money. Dave is a savvy online marketer. Dave is also a hard worker. Dave has a burning desire to succeed, and he has.

What about Michael Corcoran and Craig Garcia the owners and co-founders of EDC Gold? Are they smarter than you or is it just that they had opportunities that you just didn’t have. I don’t think so. No doubt they have more experience than you and through trial and error they know what works and what doesn’t. These guys schooled themselves in online marketing.

People like Michael, Craig and Dave are making it even easier for people like you and I to succeed online. They are willing to teach people what they have learned through trial and error so that you don’t make the same costly mistakes that they have made and so that you can take advantage of what they know works.

So what’s holding you back? One thing and one thing only is stopping you in your tracks, your attitude. If you truly want to be successful in online marketing or any other online business you have to want it. You have to want it bad and you have to go after it. No one can do it for you but you.

There are lots of good online business opportunities available today you just have to go after one that suits you. If you don’t think you can to it, all I can say is thanks for dropping by and reading my article but may I suggest… shuffleboard anyone!

Brian Downie



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